Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Pornographic Husband and Father

The Head of the family is stuck in an illusion that pornography has brought the females under him towards a destruction and Meryl Viola Bravo decided not to live under those consciencious efforts to destroy the union of husband and wife.

I am a daughter of a sex-addicted, sex-trafficker, director and advocate of pornography and I have decided to leave his adult infiltrated reality.

Meryl Viola Bravo ~

This man is a sex-addicted, sex-trafficker, producer of pornography and thinks his decision is private.
Do priests absolve this sin with a penitential satisfaction?
Do priests direct this head of the family with a systematic decision to lead them and the family towards a safety?
How do priests implement a life changing authority in the home once this has been repented through the Sacrament of Confession and Penance?

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