Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Marriage and an Ancestry

The Young Victoria

When it comes to the Armor of a Man and his condition as masculine, it is his conduct with his wife when he is turned to defend her.  His actions and his deed is to love her.  This at all costs is the Grand Duke of compliment.  When a female person sees his existence is only his wife.

I have seen many depictions in film transgressing the cause of a husband and wife; even an intervention to supply the gear for a seduction.  But I have never seen a film so well as this depiction of a man in humble and yet, such grand display of virtue.

His meek and charitable patience.  His kindness in manner.  His guard for her heart and for her direction; and his finding to realize her destiny as a hierarchy of coronation and authority.

He cared for her all of his life.

He gave her children.

He defended her life.

He guided her during the most difficult of trials.

The deed was witnessed with utmost manner and speech.

Thank you for this film.

Meryl Viola Bravo ~

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