Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How were you introduced to Opus Dei?

Cooperator of Prelature of Opus Dei, Meryl Viola Bravo
My name is Meryl Viola Bravo, and I was introduced to the Prelature of Opus Dei in my Academic and Professional experience in my associations with the University at California State San Bernardino.

Who were your associations?
Fellow colleagues in study.

How did they come to your door?
I was present to the reality of being among persons who also shared the daily obligations of being Roman Catholic.

Can you share with us who these persons are and at what condition did you find the introduction?
I attended daily Holy Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary in the Diocese of San Bernardino and had a schedule of classes at the University of which after Holy Mass I would drive to the University which was a few miles from the Cathedral to fulfill my courses .  In this, my attendance at Holy Mass drew me to know persons who shared in the same faith and value of obligation to the confirmed reality of my existence.

These persons eventually became introduced to me through common interests.  These persons are Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and Jocelyn Quarles.  At the time, I was always aware of Opus Dei.  A person at the daily Mass was a professor of the University, which I discovered.  I noticed he would be on the campus at around the same time I arrived and he was one of the persons at the Daily Mass.  I found this very interesting and was greatful to find a person who shared in the same faith and obligation while living the ordinary duties of being a student in University.  I never approached the professor and never had a course with him, however the association was a reality and very much a present encounter.

Meryl has always had an ordered grace in her presentation.  She had an order of life.  Her decisions always procured a delivery of constant reliability.  She was ordered and well in her decisions.

How did the Association lead you to the Center in San Gabriel, California?
Jocelyn Quarles, who at the time was not yet married to Mr. Kyle Quarles, became a member of the Catholic Newman club at the University and we were introduced.

We were invited to attend the doctrine classes made available at the Center and I met one of the Numeraries.

Who was the Numerary?
She was a resident at the Center at the time and we stayed the night there and she was sharing with me that they were looking for someone to handle the care of the center, however I shared with her that the drive was quite a distance and it would be difficult for me to maintain my obligations at the diocese and my university obligations.  I do not recall her name.

Did you recommend Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and Jocelyn Quarles?
I recommended them, yes.

Did you recommend Mr. and Mrs. Ashton and Lauren Ellis?
I recommended them, yes.

How did you find these two married couples commendable?
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton and Lauren Ellis were friends whom I introduced myself at a private meeting at the center.  It was Mr. and Mrs. Ashton and Lauren Ellis that described the commendation towards supernumerary of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and Jocelyn Quarles.  My commendation for these two persons had to be referred to Mr. and Mrs. Ashton and Lauren Ellis.

Did you maintain a relationship with these Supernumeraries?
Not at the same capacity after the Quarle's wedding.

Why is that?
There were family obligations of which I had to allow the newly wedded couple to ground their decision before I could come in again as their friend who has always been a friend.

Have you discovered yourself to be a Numerary?
I have discovered the obligation of being a person in the work, yes.

Are you a married woman?
Not in the realm of laity as that of which the Supernumeraries have been called to in their vocation.

Who are you?
My name is Meryl.

Meryl is a single woman according to civil and societal living.  The Ellis and Quarles family will respresent her.

Numeraries are celibate and have been chosen to become a very leading authority in Opus Dei.

We would like to recognize Meryl Viola Bravo as Numerary of Opus Dei.

I was simply a student at University and I attended Daily Mass at the Cathedral and Masses near the area.  This was my life.  I worked with fellow students of the University.  I studied with these students.  I completed assignments and passed Final Exams.  I lived this daily.

Did you discover new insights on the life of a person who was not living under religious consecration of vows and Superiors from the Congregation?
Not really.  I have to be obedient to the Magisterium and I have a pastor and parish.

What is obedience to the Magisterium in the laity and workplace, Meryl?
Your baptism and your desire to live a very good and wholesome condition of never enabling a condition that goes against your baptismal consecration.

Were their paths against this, Meryl?
There were forms of which I realized there were persons not so intelligible in the act of baptism and these were disturbing.

What were these forms that you encountered?
I believe my formation in the Carmelite Order and my Confirmation provided moments of integrity for voice and vehemently going against any act against my virginity.

Who were persons going against your celibacy as a layperson?
The Flores family was a significant witness of persons who did not offer a conducive reality to the mortal act abortion brings into the decision.

Who is the Flores family?
There were introductions made through Franciscan University of Steubenville from a World Youth Day tour group run by alumni of this University and I met the Flore family.

Would your recommend this family as supernumerary of Opus Dei?

What are your reasons?
They have a difficult conceptual knowledge of layperson and work.

What is the difficulty?
Their formation and their mortal acts of sin committed as laypersons seemed not to seek guidance from the proper order.

What was their committed act against their formation?
Sexual intercourse outside of Marriage.

Who are their formed conditions in formation?
Their own family and members of the family who brought them to the altar of Roman Catholic.

Did you discover this in your association with them?
I was present to a reality of which they were very open in meeting with young people called ministerial parish life.

How were they open in these meetings?
St. Adelaide's Catholic Church in Highland, California of the Diocese of San Bernardino was led by one of the members of the Family of the Flores residence.  She gathered a meeting on the property for a young persons meeting with a very adult consideration.

I discussed with them the Mortal Sin of sexual intercourse when not in the context of marriage in introducing to them the death of Maria Goretti.

How did they realize your presence at this meeting?
I am a very good vital relationship with this family.

How did you maintain a relationship with this family?
It became evident to me that my friendship was very important to the engagement of which I introduced the significant role obedient to the Magisterium of being prepared for the Sacrament of Marriage.

It became seriously exemplified when they asked me to monitor the condominium property of the Flores family and it became a difficulty for me to continue relationship with the family.

I discovered that the formation was well established for me to make it very clear that I was not at the same decree and establishment of "Roman Catholic" of which they assumed I would presume to allocate as a dimension of appliability.

What were they decreeing?
Manipulation against my own free will was discovered and it was very clear to me that they invaded a capacity to make a decision by the use of false sentimentalities of persons who did not provide the right context for Holy marriage.  I found them unreliable and it became difficult for me to approach the circumstances outside of the personal relationship of friend and thus, I found them not to be a friend.  To me, Holy Marriage is accounted for and I found them to rely on me too excessive and too demanded upon.

My decision is final.

What is your decision?
The decision to make sure that this is very clear to her children so that the effect of nonnegotiable examination will be determined with an effective and active grace transmitted through Sacrament.

These two sustaining facts are elaborate and well cared for with utmost care to my portion of witness into their Marriage.

I witnessed their Marriage.  I not only witnessed it, I was a friend.  I want it very clear that I did not condone the previous acts that occurred before I met this woman.  It was a simple association among persons who found the University of Steubenville, Franciscan.  There are false notions that because of associating oneself to a University that it is because of the full reality of its mission being well for them according to their sufficiency.  This is not the truth of University and most especially, not the truth of private.

I wish to congratulate no person under these circumstances and wish my regard on their perspective with no approval.  May their children hear this clearly.  Bless you.

I will not recommend any marriage to Opus Dei for Supernumerary, if they are not willing to seek the right order in grace.  If they are not willing to seek a priest for direction, then I cannot recommend them.

Thank you.

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