Thursday, February 2, 2017

Witness to MORAL TRUTH!

“The truth about the drama of the moral life and about freedom is revealed.  John Paul concludes, by the example of those prepared to die rather than do what they know is wrong.  The witness of martyrs is a powerful counter to the claim that the dignity of freedom lies in doing things my way.  The martyr teaches us that freedom is truly personal and truly liberating when it seeks the good and rejects evil, even to the point of death.  Not everyone is called to be a martyr.  Everyone is called to be a witness to moral truth, and “witness” is the original meaning of the term “martyr.” 

The threshold of hope, the threshold of human dignity, is not crossed by lowering the bar of the moral life but by reaching higher---and then, if one has failed, by reaching higher again.” Witness to Hope by George Weigel


In the story of the human heart, there lies between him and God the living reality of the inner conscience of Man to search the truest essence of freedom found in Him alone.  In this freedom, the personal and most liberating encounter is contemplated when in the realization of what is good has been demeaned by what is evil, is counterchallenged through the witness of moral truth; a truth that is proclaimed by the message of the Gospel living and active as a sword that cuts through the heart of Man towards a greater dignity beyond what is fathomed and conceivable to the eyes of every human being who is blinded by a false sense of liberation.  Liberation that degrades the very dignity of Man is a blinded freedom that enslaves the human heart; as it is oppressed by his passions and is contradicted by the very essence of love.  For love is not dominated by a self-seeking or self-centered reality in the heart of Man; Love is directed towards the other for a more living reality of what is good and whole bringing forth a more awesome encounter of charity.  Charity that reveals moral truth as the essence of Man brings forth new life and new encounters of hope that liberates the human heart towards what is more essential and more beneficial for him and for the sake of all humanity.  In encountering a rejection of this love, we find that God in His Awesome Splendor reveals a more profound liberation and freedom that is witnessed through the lives of those who are willing to die rather than to do what they know is wrong.  This death is a living witness to all who are blinded by the freedom that claims in doing things “my way” rather than doing things that answer to the demands of Holy Charity.  When in the midst of challenge, the blind freedom that manipulates Moral Truth towards what is evil or a less dignified way of living; the witness that is greater still and most powerful is the witness that challenges the manipulation through the power of Charity found and contemplated through the merits of Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God.  The threshold of all our hope and the threshold of all that is found in the very essence of Man comes forth from the contemplation of the face of Christ, who is the Redeemer and Savior of all who are oppressed by the false freedom proclaimed by a culture that demeans the very meaning and dignity of Man.  When in this encounter of the face of the Redeemer, there is a deeper realization of Love that is beyond what can be fathomed; for when Moral Truth is proclaimed and witnessed by those who have encountered Him a deeper realization of freedom is revealed and the truest essence of liberation is perceived as a powerful tool towards what is real and most awesomely contemplated as love.  Love breaks through the fetters of a heart hardened by a freedom that has been blinded by a self-centered and self-seeking mentality.  Love revolves the heart of Man towards what is greater and higher for the sake of the dignity he has been called to fulfill as a Child of the Most Awesome and Omnipotent God adopted through the merits of Christ, the Redeemer and Savior of All Mankind.  Love is the truest witness of Moral Truth that brings forth a freedom that liberates the human heart towards what is whole and entire and most pleasing to the heart of God.  When in questioning the truest essence of Freedom; one must realize the question of love.  For when in the dignity of Man’s freedom, love is compromised – charity towards himself and his neighbor – then the realization of this freedom is also compromised.  When in his most awesome and personal freedom is encountered the truest act of Holy Charity, then the face of the Redeemer is contemplated all the more through the selfless act of love witnessed for the sake of Love.  For the Witness of Moral Truth and call of every Christian is to proclaim the eternity of love to the whole of humanity according to the circumstances of the times and the challenges that is currently faced in our culture today.

Eternal Word of the Father, Only Begotten Son of God, Redeemer and Savior of All Mankind, there is a challenge that is facing our culture today that demeans the very heart of Man and degrades the very essence of human freedom.  A freedom that delineates from what is True and is manipulated towards what is most degrading to the dignity and heart of Man.  As Man strays from his Most Ultimate Meaning, a Greater Witness is being demanded all the more towards what is Right and Good for a more powerful proclamation found and rooted in the Message of the Gospel.  Your message of love is contemplated through the Face of Your Redeeming and Most Awesome Splendor of sacrifice found in the cross You carried for the sake of all humanity.  May we who call ourselves Christian, witness Your Redeeming Love to every human heart that is in need of Your refuge from the oppression of a false freedom that has compromised the dignity of Man.  Create in us a new heart, overtaken by the Redemption and Merits of Christ, Your Only Begotten Son, so that freedom in its truest reality may reign all the more and the oppression of a false sense of liberation may not be the ruling factor that continues to blind the human heart towards the truest essence of Truth rooted in Love.  O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear and answer me.  Amen. 




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