Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Grace of Friendship, No Anxiety

I have discovered in anxiety the failure of men to seek the right intention for woman.  Begin anew and find a friend who is as a woman would seek him as celibate.

How does anxiety begin?

The Head of his heart begins.

How does he perform the task of presenting a serious dimension of "I am celibate and will remain celibate." ?


Meryl, my decision is to come in contact with you and will respond.  Meryl, how would you allow a moment to meet?

"For now, Father, I am seeking counsel in a matter that requires an attorney."

"Yes, Meryl, I am an attorney."

"Thank you.  I would like you to represent me in court."

"Thank you.  I will be glad to offer counsel."

"Thank you."


"Dear Meryl, how would you like to proceed forward?"

"I would like to proceed forward as Power of Attorney and receive assistance."

"We can present your case and condition the Power of Attorney that a marriage and celibate state is maintained."

"I am at the celibate state and Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P. needs to agree with me."

"Meryl, I love you and we will be celibate.  And I want to marry you."

"I love you, too.  I want to marry you."

"We are going to move forward with the decision."

"Very good.  Please begin."


"Meryl, we would like to make arrangements for accommodations of better conditions."

"Thank you."

"We would like to offer a house and a place for you to rest before the court hearing."

"Thank you."

"We would like to contact you with arrangements."

"Thank you.  I am at the disposal to the arrangements and my access for communication and contact is phone and email."


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