Sunday, May 31, 2020

Dear 2020, Children of 2020, listen and learn,

The Physical contact of a bodily slap on the face is only effective with a conceptual delivery from society and the time period called for it.  It is 2020 and beyond and how do we present an effective form of a conceptual delivery from society today?  Writing and approving a vital form of writing causes a delivery of strong conditions for change in society.  Email, blogwriting, facebook, and many forms of social in society will permit you to do this with well conditions of rolemodeling the witness of being a person who contacts people with a faithful condition to assist in the matter you disagree with.

I am Meryl Viola Bravo.  I am simply presenting to you a simple response to being upset with a common delivery of facing an opposition of being at the side of discrimination or a form of ill-care towards humanity and all of the present realities of life most especially in your very city and or neighborhood or in your own home where father and mother may or may not be present to you in a physical contact that requires your person to be seen and attended to with a form of recognizing the human person of who you are in their sight. A slap in the face and a slap in return or forms of recognizing the person in front of you and thus, wake up!

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