Friday, March 27, 2020

My First Bible - 15 years old

The Ignatius Blue Bible, The Year 1995
I was watching EWTN Mother Angelica Live and in this program, Mother shared with me that there were false interpretations of scripture.  At this point, the reality of seeking direction became evident to me.  I knew I needed a Priest to support my direction.

My grandmother and I were listening to her speak strongly against the interpretations that watered down the vocabulary of the language, and she termed it as inclusive language.

Mother Angelica Live, The Ignatius Blue Bible

Then she directed and recommended the Ignatius Blue Bible, as she called it; and I asked my mother if I could purchase my first Bible as a teenager.  I purchased my first bible from EWTN.  I then went to Fr. Ray Rosales at our local parish in San Bernardino after a difficulty at another parish that was closer.  Fr. Ray Rosales had underground Bible studies; of which, he was selective about who attended.  My grandmother and I were invited and when my mother could come she would also be there.

It was evident that the serious nature of study was an intellectual decision and Scripture needed to be properly directed by the Priesthood.
I could hear my grandmother a bit frightened that her past experiences with the Bible came from missionaries that may not have been so solid in interpretation.  The delivery was so strongly embedded in me from Mother Angelica's serious delivery on the subject, I became aware of seeking the right direction.

The Order of Preachers directed me to study the Ignatian Spirituality and the developments of this Jesuit Saint.  In my familiarity with their form of discernment, I was well directed.  I have been introduced to a couple of new foundations of priests under the Ignatian Order of Spiritual direction; the Miles Christi Order of Priests is one of them.

The Ignatian Spirituality I have discovered as a blueprint have found its depth to a possible condition for reflection in the laity.  It is so possible, I highly recognize the Philosophy and Theology of the Founder of Miles Christi Order of Priests Religious Congregation.

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