Sunday, July 10, 2016

Rosarium Virginis Mariae

The ROSARY of the VIRGIN MARY, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a PRAYER loved by countless Saints and ENCOURAGED by the Magisterium. Simple yet profound, it still remains, at the dawn of this third millennium, a PRAYER OF GREAT SIGNIFICANCE destined to bring forth a harvest of HOLINESS. It blends easily into the spiritual journey of the Christian life, which, after two thousand years, has lost none of the freshness of its beginnings and feels drawn by the Spirit of God to “SET OUT INTO THE DEEP” (DUC IN ALTUM) in order once more to proclaim, and even cry out, before the world that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, “the WAY, and the TRUTH and the LIFE” (Jn 14:6), “the GOAL of human history and the POINT on which the DESIRES of history and civilization turn”. Supreme Pontiff John Paul II (2002)  Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae.  Libreria Editrice Vaticana


 Christ, Divine Savior, has brought FORTH an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE GRACE to those who in their CONSECRATION to MARY finds their refuge as the source of all GRACE!  Mediatrix of ALL GRACES, the ROSARY allows Man to see in an INFINITE RESOLUTION that it is CHRIST who in HIS REDEMPTION has brought forth the MYSTERY of SALVATION!  How is it that we are to KNOW HIM except through the EYES of MARY!  Mary, His MOTHER, our MOTHER has brought to us a GIFT that is PROCLAIMED and CRIED OUT through the ANGEL GABRIEL, “Hail FULL of GRACE, the Lord is with you.”  Every cry of this Prayer RINGS OUT to the HEAVENS of the GLORY and SPLENDOUR that awaits for those who are in love with Her SON!  Hear in this MYSTERY of SALVATION we find that through the recitation of the ROSARY we continue to CRY OUT to the LIVING GOD of the DEPTHS and GREATNESS that all mankind is DRAWN towards a POINT, a GOAL, and an INFINITE PATH towards GOODNESS, INFINITE GRANDNESS, and GLORY that brings to LIFE the ordinary and the extraordinary freshness of HOLINESS!  Drawn by the SPIRIT of GOD, the very DEPTHS of the HUMAN SPIRIT is brought forth an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE GRACE and a SPIRITUAL HARVEST is transplanted into the Heart of Man in a MYSTICAL UNION of DIVINE LOVE.  An INTIMATE Conversation is reflected in the human soul between the Mother of God, the THEOTOKOS and her Divine Child with the soul embraced and invigorated with the VIRTUE of FAITH!  Every concern, every worry, anxiety, and resoluteness towards the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS is placed within the BOSOM of the MOTHER OF GOD and she reaches towards the child who TRUSTS in her with an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE GRACE to reveal to her the MYSTERIES of the KINGDOM!

O Mother of INFINITE GOODNESS, you have given to us in the Order of Preachers a special GRACE to share with the whole of HUMANITY a TOOL OF DIVINE GRACE!  St. Dominic who has been loved with INFINITE LOVE the Father of ALL PREACHERS has been GRACED with an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE LOVE THROUGH THIS WONDERFUL GIFT TO THE CHURCH!  O ROSARIUM, ROSARIUM VIRGINIS MARIAE, the Hand of Divine Love has been placed at the palm of each soul to be embraced and shared for a DEPTH of CONTEMPLATION of the DIVINE MYSTERIES of the INCARNATE WORD MADE FLESH!

The life and GOODNESS of the ETERNAL WORD has been spoken to us through a STORY; a STORY CONTEMPLATED without BOUND through the Mysteries of the DIVINE ROSARY!  Here in this UNION of DIVINE CHARITY, the Mother of all SOULS unites herself to her child and speaks to her sharing with her the SECRETS of Her DIVINE SON spoken without word a LOVE and a MYSTERY that cuts through the fetters of ordinary goodness towards EXTRAORDINARY AND SUPREME CHARITY OF FIRE!  Every bead of LOVE, PROCLAIMS TO THE DEPTHS OF THE ETERNAL FATHER a PROFOUND and INFINITE ENCOUNTER WITH THE CHARITY OF UNION between the SPOUSE of the HOLY SPIRIT and the TRIUNE GOD!  Interwoven in this DIALOGUE a conversation of the soul who participates in this communion realizes with FULL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE VALUE of every HAIL MARY, for in this UNION the soul is ELEVATED TOWARDS GRACE and the DIGNITY of the ordinariness of LIFE BECOMES EXTRAORDINARY!  For we realize that in the mysteries of the LIFE of CHRIST, the journey towards INFINITE LOVE is therefore attainable and given as PURE GIFT from the Hand of the ETERNAL FATHER through the INCARNATE WORD in the Hands of Mary, Rosarium, Rosarium VIRGINIS MARIAE!

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