Monday, December 19, 2016

Bless this CHRISTMAS! Merry, Merry, Merry LOVE! Born is HE, WHO IS LOVE!

Peace on EARTH!  Good will to ALL!  I am in AWE OF THE Mystery of the INCARNATE WORD made Flesh here in the form of the LITTLENESS of creatures, a BABY!  Love is Born.  LOVE IS ALIVE!  He is breathing and shivering in the PIERCING COLD.  Laid on a MANGER with the warmth of swaddling clothes.  Who is this BABE?  HE is the ETERNAL PRIEST of ALL MANKIND who will mediate for the REDEMPTION NEEDED to save us from our own sinful NATURE!  A PRIEST born TODAY, THE ONE MEDIATOR between Man and GOD.  THE GOD MAN is BORN!  Human and Divine in NATURE, yet ONE DIVINE PERSON!  Where is my poor sinful nature.....WHERE?  My human NATURE is delivered from SIN!  DIVINITY HAS REDEEMED and YOU HAVE created in me a WILL TO FREELY ACT and an INTELLECT to KNOW where and how SIN CAN BE CONQUERED.  THROUGH YOU, Divine Love, True God and TRUE MAN!  Through you, O PRIEST of my HEART!  A Babe DIVINE and Human!  A Babe for you and for me.  I have been drawn from the waters and have been ELEVATED TO UNION with you, DIVINE BABE so little, Little , LITTLE! 

The NATURE OF MY HUMANITY has been drawn towards a DIVINE UNION with the OMNIPOTENT GOD and CREATOR of my SOUL!   Love calls us to KNOW OF THE DIVINE GOODNESS of HIS OWN LITTLENESS so that we too, may KNOW of our OWN LITTLENESS!  So trusting is our GOD TO PLACE HIMSELF in the TOTAL CARE of Mary.  So too, we share in this ENTRUSTMENT and place our own vulnerable and TENDER WEAKNESS in our Lady's HANDS and are EMBRACED by her MATERNAL MEDIATION! 

So little, Little, LITTLE.....

I shall rise, Rise, RISE......

to the


As a Baby has no way to DEFEND HIMSELF, and to feed Himself, or care for His BASIC NEEDS, He is EVER MORE left to the abandonment of those who are willing to EMBRACE HIM!  In all HIS Divine POWER, the Eternal High PRIEST has bestowed this POWER to His Most Merciful MOTHER and PROTECTOR St. Joseph, Most Chaste turn, to all of MANKIND!  A POWER of DIVINE LIFE, GRACE and SALVATION.

TENDER and Loving is our DIVINE BABE, we have been LOVED to DIVINE GOODNESS!  Nature has been REDEEMED by DIVINITY and HUMANITY as ONE! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The BEAUTY of the Liturgy

Reveal to me, O Christ, the FULLNESS of Your Beauty found in the Liturgy of the Word made FLESH for all to see and hear from the eyes and ears of those who SEE and LISTEN!  Let no compromise of the WORD, the ETERNAL WORD, come forth from me as Your unworthy servant.  Let me SERVE You with the BEAUTY of all Your Splendour and may I FULFILL Your Holy and Divine Will as a Praise and GLORY to Your Infinite and Omnipotent Name.  I love You, my God!  And may it show.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Woman Par Excellence - MOTHER!

MARY, Mother of the Eucharist!  The BEAUTY OF WOMAN brings forth a BLESSEDNESS in the SOUL OF HUMANITY through her Maternal Mediation for the SACRED PRIESTHOOD!  She, as WOMAN, lives and witnesses her DIGNITY AS WOMAN through the UNION she shares in Mary, the WOMAN Par Excellence.  The ETERNAL WORD made Flesh, the Holy Eucharist, IS BORN through the womb of WOMAN!  In her womb, she protects and nourishes ALTER CHRISTUS!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

This Virgin Kept Her Faith

Music by Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
Dear Jesus,
The witness of this FAITHFUL VIRGIN draws me ever closer to the UNION I desire.  Clear the way and lead me to YOUR HOLY AND DIVINE WILL!  Remove the obstacles and bring to close what has been hindering your child from COMPLETE and TOTAL CONSECRATION TO YOU DEAR LORD JESUS!  Come, Divine Messiah!  COME!
Meryl Viola Bravo

The Rite of Consecrated Virgin

On this GLORIOUS DAY, God granted me a gift in witnessing a VIRGIN consecrated to the Lord for the Proclamation of the Coming of the Kingdom!  Deo Gratias!  Thanks be to God!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

First Week of Advent

Come, Lord Jesus!  Desire of ALL NATIONS!  Bring us PEACE, O Prince of PEACE!  Bring us PEACE!  Our Longing is for you, O Jesus!  Bring us PEACE!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Feast of St Cecilia - On this wonderful day, I was given a REVELATION!

The Heart SPEAKS!
I desire .....
Total Consecration through the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
God responds.
and I am rejected.
and the door continues to REMAIN CLOSED!
I continue to SEEK
and He leads me to the SAME DOOR!
The answer lies behind the other side.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Infinite Love!

Infinite LOVE!  How in the face of a BEAUTY SO GREAT can ugliness of sin be present. 
Ask and you will receive....SEEK and you will FIND!  KNOCK and the door shall be opened.......would you even dare.....LOVE WOULD!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Breaking Dawn

“At the jubilee Mass in Reims, John Paul, who had asked France sixteen years before whether she was still faithful to her baptismal vows, asked the men and women of 1996 to read their history through the story of French sanctity. French Catholic history had its dark periods, marked by infidelity and confrontation. But every trial, night envelops us that we must think of the breaking dawn, that we must believe that the Church is reborn each morning through her saints.” Witness to Hope by George Weigel


As night brings forth trial, the breaking dawn arises and the Greatness of the Love of Christ envelopes the soul towards a most profound intimate encounter with the Living God! The morning arises to renew in all the faithful a spirit of faith and belief in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church! Christ is the Head and we are His members and renewed in this strength, the saints come alive as the Hope that brings forth new life amidst a Dark World in Great Need of the Light of the World! Christ responds not in the way that Man expects, but beyond what is unfathomable to the human capacity of understanding and reason. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End! No Word can fathom the Living God made Flesh and the Mystery of the Incarnation that can transform what is most natural to that which is Eternal! O Divine Being, Eternal Creator and Father, enveloped by darkness we encounter You all the more! For in this darkness comes forth the Breaking Dawn; the Dawn from on High shall break upon us and shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. We who are Your servants are now Your friends, a most intimate relationship with You, O Divine Deity, Christ, Redeemer and Savior of all Mankind!

O Divine Majesty, create anew in the hearts that have been broken and purified by the night of darkness through a faith that realizes the reality of Man and his encounter with His Creator. In the trial of night, we encounter You all the more, for it is in faith that Man responds. Reborn anew the heart of Your Church through the rising of the Breaking Dawn that creates and arises New Saints in Your Church today! Saints in love with You, O Christ! Saints that have known their own humanity and have found refuge in the mystery of Your Incarnation! Saints alive in the faith that brings forth the Breaking Dawn of New Light amidst a time of darkness! Increase our faith, O Lord, make that which is invisible visible to the hearts that know and believe in the Risen Christ! We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world! O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


"Wyszynski held firmly to three other convictions that would shape his governance of Polish Catholicism and his political strategy for three decades. He was convinced that Polish Popular piety---especially Polish devotion to Mary, Mother of God---was far stronger than communist propaganda and could be drawn upon as a font of cultural resistance.” Weigel, G. (2010) The End and the Beginning.  New York:  Doubleday Religion



The Mother of God, in all her FULLNESS of GRACE is the Mediatrix of ALL GRACES towards the beloved children that have been placed under her care for the redemption of mankind living here on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Christ is calling you to look to her as your refuge and protectress so that you will FULLY love her Son; her Son who loves you with the infinite love of a child for his mother; a love for His Bride as the Bridegroom.  No other Mother will ever love you as FULLY as she who is all Full of Grace.  Mater Dei, Gratia Plena, create in me a new heart realized fully through the gift of your Son, the Christ!  She is the refuge of all those who call upon the name of the Eternal Father; for she is the Spouse of the Most Holy Trinity!  The Spouse that brings forth new life in all those who call upon her as Mother!  She is the Mother of ALL Mothers!  The Mother of the Creator who loves with INFINITE LOVE all those who are placed under her maternal care!  We are the haven of her bosom and the fruit of her womb as we are FULLY united to the Son of the LIVING GOD!  UNION with her Son inevitably and inexorably unites you to His Mother; there is no hesitation in Christ to share His Mother to the whole of Humanity!  The LOVER of SOULS shares with FULL capacity the role of His Mother to those who love Him with infinite LOVE!  Where is Christ; there with His Mother!  Where is His Mother; there with her Son!  With FULL conviction in her Maternal Intercession the Mother of God and Mediatrix of All Graces, she will destroy the fetters of Satan and restore to Mankind the FULLNESS of Man’s Dignity and has shared in the Redemption of Mankind in the Divine FIAT that continues to resound for all ETERNITY!  HUMILITY has broken over the pride of the evil one for she has magnified the GLORY of GOD in her response to Him her Beloved, “Behold I am the Handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word!”  She has reflected the Image of the Most Holy and Divine Trinity, in the fullness of her FIAT!  She has brought forth a Son, the Only Begotten Son of the Father, born from Man to destroy the fears of Mankind and restore to him the fullness of his own dignity as an Image and Likeness of the Eternal and Omnipotent God!  The Omnipotent God has betrothed Himself to her so that the Son of Man may fully know of the Eternal Love of the Father!  The Eternal Love of the Father has begotten a Son, the Eternal Word Made Flesh, so that He may enkindle in the hearts of Man a new LIFE according to the work of Grace.  The work of Grace that was fully received and lived in the Mater Dei!  The Mater Dei who will reflect in all mankind the calling of every WOMAN to be a response of lowliness and humility so that the IMAGE of the Most Holy Trinity may be reflected in the fruit of every womb consecrated to the Lord!  Consecrated and set apart as a DIVINE FIAT to the Eternal Father!  A Mother to all Mothers, entrusted to her by her Son is the living reality of the Glory of God manifested in the FLESH!  Et verbum caro factum est, et habitavit in nobis.  The Eternal Word became Flesh, incarnated for the Salvation of all mankind to receive in the fullness of time His Eternal Glory according to the merits of each soul and magnanimous response to His Divine Love.  Divine Love beckons us to look to her, run to her, entrust to her all your cares and you will never be disappointed!

Mother of my God, the Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Eternal Father, your Immaculate Heart is a refuge and safe haven for your children who long to see the Face of the Living God!  A haven and refuge for those who have found the hope and eternal freedom only found in Christ, your Eternal Son!  Your Son beckons us to renew a life that has been broken by the miseries of sin; and restore a heart that has been lost by the wiles of the enemy.  You are our Mother, the refuge of our hearts whom we cry to in this vale of tears!  Tears that cry out to the Living God to hear the hearts of all mankind!  The protectress of those who are near your Son creates in man a new Hope for the promise of the Eternal Kingdom; Mother of God and Refuge of my Heart reveal to me the secrets of  the Heart of your Son and I will entrust to you ALL that I hold dear to my heart forever and in all Eternity!  You are my Mother, and I consecrate to you all that I have and all that I desire for the furtherment of the Kingdom and the Glory of the One and Undivided Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!  Consecrated through your Immaculate Heart I will never be disappointed or saddened!  Consecrated in your Eternal care I will learn to give with Total Surrender as you my Dear Mother and will ever more be convicted in the power of your intercession as the Mediatrix of all Graces and Mother of my Heart. “Behold, the Handmaiden of the Lord, be it done to me according to your Word.”  O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear and answer me.  Amen.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Justice and Peace

“The Pope kissed the ground at Khartoum airport, and began his address at the arrival ceremony with a frank statement of concern:  “When people are weak and poor and defenseless, I must raise my voice on their behalf.  When they are homeless and suffering the consequences of drought, famine, disease and the devastations of war, I must be close to them….”  He had come, he said, on behalf of “justice and peace for all the citizens of this land, without reserve, regardless of their religion, social standing, ethnic background or color.”  Witness to Hope by George Weigel


In the consequences of Original Sin, Man made in the Image of His Creator is drawn towards the Eternity of Love, the Only Begotten Son incarnated to restore what has been lost by the sin of our First Parents.  In this restoration of Man towards his Creator, the Omnipotent God of all the Living comes down from the throne of His Eternal Kingdom to live among the temporal life of this world and illumine the hearts of Mankind towards the living reality of the sacredness and dignity of humanity.  A humanity made in His Divine Image as heir of a Kingdom that will remain forever in this life through the ordinary and hidden tasks of daily living, sanctified by grace to come to flourishin in the Eternity of God’s Kingdom.  How great are the depths of God and unfathomable are His mercies that in restoring to Man his dignity he brings to Him a Union of the Divine to that which is most ordinary.  A justice and peace in the dimension of eternity passes through time in order that Man may taste of the Heavenly Glory he has been destined to live.  A voice of the Christ Child spurs from the cry of a baby who speaks for all who are weak, poor and defenseless to restore to those who are in need of hope and are in need of God’s Most Merciful Gaze of Redemption. 

Eternal Word of the Father, You have bestowed on Man an eternity of hope for a redemption that lives according to the Spirit of the Most Awesome and Living God.  In this redemption we encounter the peace that is longed for in every human heart.  A justice that makes free the eternity of love for those who have been enslaved from the brokenness of human weakness and misery.  We stand tall and erect in the hope we find in the Redemption that is near at hand and know that in this hope we will encounter a Most Awesome and Generous God; who in the Salvation of Man will redeem us ever more to a deeper intimacy with the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three Divine Persons, One God.  O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear and answer me.  Amen. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

His Boundless Love

"The Second Vatican Council rightly proclaimed that the Eucharistic Sacrifice is “the source and summit of the Christian life”.1 “For the most Holy Eucharist contains the Church's entire spiritual wealth: Christ himself, our passover and living bread. Through his own flesh, now made living and life-giving by the Holy Spirit, he offers life to men”.2 Consequently the gaze of the Church is constantly turned to her Lord, present in the Sacrament of the Altar, in which she discovers the full manifestation of HIS BOUNDLESS LOVE." Supreme Pontiff John Paul II (2003) Encyclical Letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia.  Libreria Editrice Vaticana


Manifested by His Divine Grace, Christ the Beloved knows full well the desires of His BRIDE!  For in the circumstance of our eternal age, the defined moment of every existence is brought forward in the CROSS!  Where, O Christ, shall I find You, but near and before me in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  As I GAZE upon You hidden in the form of BREAD, You reveal to me the manifestation of a GOD so HUMBLE and YET so POWERFUL in the Hands of a Merciful and Providential Plan.  A Plan defined by this very moment in time when in the creation of Your own being as the Incarnate Word made Flesh, You reveal to us the GRANDEUR of a God who manifests His Infinite Goodness through the littleness and humility of a child that comes to us in the form of bread for all the world to know that the AWESOMENESS of Your Splendour is not to be feared, but to be embraced with the TRUST of a child towards his Eternal Father.  How may I approach the THRONE of Your Divine Majesty, except through the humble acceptance of my daily trials and circumstances!  I kneel before You, adoring You in Your GOODNESS towards me, and I request Your Divine Majesty to hear the plea of my HEART!  I wish to manifest to the whole of CREATION of How WONDERFUL You are and How GREAT YOU are in the Most Holy Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!  You promise me Your continued PRESENCE and reveal to me that although at times the manifestation of GOODNESS is a sign of the CROSS, it is there that I am ever more UNITED to YOU as my BELOVED SPOUSE and DIVINE SAVIOR!  REJOICE heartily, O Christ, for you have found Your Bride that will forever know and bring to You the humble existence of my HEART that will be ever united to You in the CROSS!  Purity, O Beloved, is the sign of His Infinite Goodness to those He has chosen to be His own.  GRACE upon GRACE, O INFINITE and Divine Savior, is the fullness of Your Generosity that places before You a humble request to preserve what has been given as GIFT for ALL ETERNITY!  BOUNDLESS Love, Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bring FORTH a GREATER MANIFESTATION of Your ETERNAL GOODNESS so that ALL may bring to the THRONE a HEART Contrite and humble towards FULL UNION with You, O Infinite and TRIUNE GOD!

Mother of the Divine Word, the BOUNDLESS LOVE of Your Eternal Son comes to us time and again in the Most Holy Eucharist!  Protect and guard the purity of our PRIESTS so that the HOLINESS and SANCTITY of these CHOSEN MEN may ever more be RENEWED in the CHURCH his Bride!  Mother of the Eucharist, through the HANDS of PRIEST you bring to us Your Son, the Only Begotten Son of the Eternal Father so that His Bride the CHURCH may REACH the UNION of the SAINTS of HEAVEN!  Your ETERNAL KINGDOM, Divine Savior, calls forth a NEW HORIZON of HOPE for those who have been strayed so that the Good Shepherd may REJOICE once again for the one that was lost is now FOUND!  Your Manifestation of Divine Love so BOUNDLESS and so INFINITE can bring forth a BLESSING of GRACE upon GRACE towards a HOPE that is ever ANEW in the souls that TRUST in Your Divine Mercy!  YES!  My Divine Mother, Your ETERNAL SON, is in LOVE with His BRIDE and LONGS FOR HER to come to HIM!  He is Present and ever ALIVE and REVEALS a Manifestation of His Divine Heart to her, concealing nothing from her as she adores Him with the Humility of your Immaculate Heart!  He is in LOVE with an INFINITE MEASURE that the Merits of Eternity will only reveal until the END of TIME!  Mother of the Divine Word, I love You, teach me to Love Your Son with your purity and humility.  Mediatrix of all GRACES, conform my heart to thine and grant to me the GRACES necessary for a FULL FIAT to the Divine Word.  Amen.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Angele Dei

Lyrics and Music Composition by Meryl Bravo

“He will put you in His angels’ charge to guard you wherever you go.”
Psalm 91:11

Angele Dei
O Angel of God
Angele Dei
O Angel of God

1. Guarding my soul
Direct my will
Virtue Most High
And Only GOAL!

Angele Dei
O Angel of God
Angele Dei
O Angel of God

2. Beside me and Guide me
O Friend at my side
Beholding His FACE
Both Day and Night

Angele Dei
O Angel of God
Angele Dei
O Angel of God

3. Illuminate my will
Towards God’s Holy WILL!
Protect me from harm,
And the near occasion of sin.

Angele Dei
O Angel of God
Angele Dei
O Angel of God

4. Messenger from Heaven
Glory and Praise
God’s Holy Angel

Angele Dei
O Angel of God
Angele Dei
O Angel of GOD!

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Feminine Genius

St. Paul had taught that the “more excellent way” and the greatest of the theological virtues was love (1 Cor.12.31).  John Paul suggests that what he terms the “feminine genius” is the “place” of this more excellent way in the world and the Church.  “In God’s eternal plan,” he writes, “woman is the one in whom the order of love in the created world of persons first takes root.”  Because love is the inner dynamic of the life of God, women’s experience has a unique dignity, and that dignity is to be measured not by the dominating and male order of power, but “by the order of love, which is essentially the order of justice and charity.”  That dignity gives rise to a vocation to love, which can be discerned in the fact that “the human being is entrusted by God to women in a particular way.”  Here was a basic issue with untold, profound implications for humanity.”  Witness to Hope by George Weigel


The order of justice and charity gives the human being the essential vocation of love lived in every person made in the image and likeness of God.  Woman, in her unique dignity is the first to form and take root this order of love in the creation of being.  She, in God’s eternal plan, carries within her womb the beginning of life, from the moment a human person is conceived into existence.  The very calling of woman brings forth the vocation of love, as God entrusts to her a human being hidden within the very womb of her human body.  The feminine genius brings forth the virtue of love as she carries the child within her womb with care and diligent love as she awaits the coming of his birth.  The sacrifice she portrays in this beholds to man the “more excellent way” and the greatest of the theological virtues of charity towards the dignity of life entrusted to her by God.  It is in woman alone that God in His eternal plan has allowed this work of creation and has begun a new life that is awaited to begin from the moment of conception to natural death.  How great are the depths and the heights of God!  How inscrutable His judgment, that He in His awesome wonder has bestowed on woman the gift and entrustment of human life hidden within her very womb.  No greater love hath he than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.  The mystery of life is entrusted to her in the gift of her motherhood and femininity. 

What interior disposition is there in a woman, who denies the life within her womb to continue as she is given the choice of abortion?  The very thought and consideration of such an evil, has already destroyed the heart of the child within her.  The very vocation of motherhood, engrained into her whole being, is torn from her in an action that eliminates the very dignity of her calling.  Her blood runs through his blood, her thoughts run through his thoughts, indeed every form of nourishment she receives comes through the heart of the child hidden within her womb.   God, in His infinite goodness, created him and brought him into existence and invokes woman to embrace him until he is ready to behold the world. 

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.  Reveal to Man the abomination found in the act of abortion.  Restore to woman the dignity of life that she is destined to fulfill in the gift of her femininity through the grace of her motherhood.  You have bestowed on woman alone the gift of humanity as she carries life hidden within her womb.  May she hold this entrustment You confidently give her, as a treasure to defend and protect against the deceits of a culture that is blind to the truth of the value of life from the moment of conception.  May she not be deceived by the works of a law system that legalizes the right to deny her very vocation and calling as mother through the destruction of abortion.  Raise up holy men and women who defend the life of the unborn, in all its truth and all its reality so that the confusion that is reigning in our world today will not degrade the dignity and vocation of woman any longer.  O Mary, my Dearest Mother, You who are most blessed among women, pray for us who have recourse to thee.  Amen. 


“The image of the disciples on the way to Emmaus can serve as a fitting guide for a Year when the Church will be particularly engaged in living out the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. Amid our questions and difficulties, and even our BITTER disappointments, the DIVINE Wayfarer continues to walk at our side, opening to us the Scriptures and leading us to a DEEPER understanding of the MYSTERIES of God. When we meet him fully, we will pass from the light of the Word to the light streaming from the “Bread of life”, the supreme fulfilment of his PROMISE to “be with us always, to the end of the age” (cf. Mt 28:20). Supreme Pontiff John Paul II (October 2004- October 2005) Apostolic Letter Mane Nobiscum Domine.  Libreria Editrice Vaticana.



The VERY DEPTHS of God’s Redeeming Love comes forth from the Heart of Christ Himself.  For it is in His very image as Beloved Son that we learn of the INTIMATE ENCOUNTER of Love Himself.  When faced with our own difficulties and questions, and even our BITTER disappointments, LOVE REDEEMS!  The Divine Wayfarer listens to our broken hearts and walks at our side hidden in the darkness of FAITH.  Our HEARTS BURN for love of Him, seeking Him and knowing Him in the light of the WORD, the Eternal WORD and we are renewed once again in a Hope that knows no bound.  The supreme fulfillment of His PROMISE comes alive in us and His DIVINE and INTIMATE PRESENCE comes streaming into our Hearts as a living water of Divine Grace.  “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20).  The MYSTERY of the HOLY EUCHARIST is the PROMISE!  We are no longer alone.  God is with us.  No longer is the presence of darkness consuming, for the LIGHT of the WORLD has overcome all bitterness and all sorrow.  He is the LIFEGIVING BREAD that comes down from Heaven.  He is the ONE and the ONLY LOVER of SOULS that continues to walk at our side opening to us the LIVING FLAME of DIVINE LOVE spoken through the WORD, the ETERNAL WORD who dwelt among us. 

O Heart of my Heart, all consumed by the FIRE of Your Divine Love, I am never alone amidst the many trials that come forth in this Vale of Tears.  For Your PROMISE is ETERNAL and Your REDEEMING LOVE fulfills all the desires of my heart.  For what God would be so gracious as to come to me in the form of BREAD, so that I may LIVE and LIVE to the FULLEST!  I tell you, ONLY the ONE TRUE GOD would bring forth such a MYSTERY of UNION.  God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God would bring forth His INCARNATE WORD to live among us and remain with us forever in the PROMISE, the PROMISE fulfilled in the Most Holy EUCHARIST! 

Christ, Redeemer and Love of my Soul, guard and protect Your Sacred Priests and LIVE among them as their ONLY LOVE!  For it is through their ANNOINTED HANDS that You come ALIVE in us again and again through the Holy EUCHARIST!  O Mother of Priests, pray for us and embrace all who have answered the CALL to the Sacral Vocation of Holy Orders.  Amen. 


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Catholic Sexual Morality

“The Curran affair also illustrated a serious problem in post-conciliar moral theology that John Paul II would, at some point, have to address in detail.  Father Curran believed that lowering the bar of Catholic sexual morality was the pastorally appropriate response to the tangled lives of human beings, who had been struggling with chastity since Moses had been given the Ten Commandments.  For John Paul, whose pastoral experience was at least as extensive as that of most moral theologians, defining sin down was not, in the final analysis, pastorally sensitive, because it took the dramatic tension out of life and denied human beings the opportunity for moral heroism.  Repentance and forgiveness, not preemptive absolution, was the truer humanism.”  Witness to Hope by George Weigel


 Compromising our human existence lowers the dignity of man as it lowers the opportunity for moral heroism.  The true reality and existence of man must be lived in its fullness with no hesitation to what is good and upright as beings made in the image and likeness of God.  The sexual morality that is lowered in its true definition creates in man a lowering of his very own existence in living.  He becomes ruled by his own passions and the true freedom that he is destined to have is led astray by those who preach against the true dignity of man.  The true man lives according to the real and authentic life where morality is not defined down but raised to a degree that draws man to his ultimate truth; a truth that clothes him with the character of moral heroism; a heroism that reflects the very life of Christ in repentance, forgiveness and the life of the Gospel.  A true humanism brings forth in man the occasion to rise against the culture of compromise and live according to the reality of truth where indeed tension will be accustomed in a world that questions the essence of good and evil in its existence.  Until man realizes and faces this reality, the dimension of true moral heroism in himself will not be fully realized and his life is but a grain that will not come to its fullness.  Unless a grain of wheat fall to the ground and die, it remains but a single grain, but if it die it will bring forth much fruit.  The fruition of man comes forth from truth itself and must be preached from the pulpits to every man and woman of the capacity and dignity he and she holds as children of the Most High God.  A man of no guile must be reflected in the priest, truly another Christ proclaiming to man the truth of what we are ultimately called to and destined to fulfill.  As Christians we must challenge ourselves towards a greater goal of high moral character that draws us to a heroic degree of charity towards the human body and towards the soul that lives within him.  In this challenge, compromise deadens the soul and lowers mans capacity towards the greatness he has been called to live as a follower of Christ.

 O Christ, Redeemer and Savior You reveal to Man Your own Eternal goodness by coming to us in the form of man to redeem us from our own wretched nature and raise us to a degree of sanctity that reflects the unity and charity of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  O Eternal Word made Flesh, You have sanctified the human body by coming to us in humility and share Your divinity with us by giving us your Mother.  Create in man the will to live according to Your Divine Plan, as Your Mother did in her humility and fiat.  May our lives be another fiat that heroicly responds to the consequences and circumstances that is placed before us so that the moral character of heroic virtue may come to its true reality.  May we challenge each other to live according to Your Divine Plan.  Sanctify your priests and protect them from compromise and a life that could lead to indifference and fear of the reality of truth.  Grant them the support they need from Your Holy Angels and the Mother of God so that they may be guarded from heresy and live according to the true dignity of the Gospel.  May our Holy Father, Your Vicar here on Earth, be protected and fortified with the strength of the Saints so that as he shepherds the flock, those who hear and those who see may truly live the life of the Gospel in all its truth and fullness and dignity.  O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear answer me.  Amen. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Spiritual Motherhood Sodality

"The Spiritual Motherhood Sodality (SMS) educates women regarding the importance of Spiritual Maternity and its connection with the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood. The Blessed Virgin Mary is esteemed as the ultimate model to help inform women about answering their call to holiness, their dignity and vocation and also, their love for Christ’s Ministerial Priesthood."  Spiritual Motherhood Sodality


Friday, July 15, 2016

A Priestly Vocation

“And often…I hear the answer it was these times, times of GREAT STRUGGLE between good and evil, times of the great struggle between Mary and Satan that draw many…into the priesthood, so that they might participate in this great battle fully, decisively, in a defined manner…

I will say even more:  this battle runs through the HEART of each of us.  A priestly ordination, a PRIESTLY VOCATION, does not free us from the BATTLE.” Saint Pope John Paul II
Weigel, G. (2010) The End and the Beginning.  New York:  Doubleday Religion


The mystery of every VOCATION is spurred by the INTENSITY of LOVE created and immersed by the SIGNIFICANT REALITY of a STRUGGLE against all the PRINCIPALITIES and POWERS that divide Man from who He is made in the Image and Likeness of God; created in His image there is a BATTLE that reflects and consumes the Heart of Man towards what is GREATER!  GREATER than what the world can offer in its allurements of a FALSE LOVE that divides and brings to destruction His own GREATNESS!  In this GREAT STRUGGLE, the inner conscience of Man is brought to light and He is asked the question, “Whom do you seek?”  The very HEART responds, “CHRIST!”  Christ then responds, “Come, Follow me.”  Where?  To the CROSS!  A DEFINED MANNER of following He who shared in our HUMANITY leads towards His GREAT PASSION!  Passion that allows Man to participate in this GREAT BATTLE FULLY!  There in the HEART of every VOCATION is the full capacity of Man to respond as Christ, “There is no greater LOVE than to lay down ones’ life for ones’ FRIENDS!”  I would lay down my life for you!   Peter, Peter truly, truly I say to you before the cock crows you will deny that you know me three times.  THREE TIMES!  THREE TIMES!  THREE TIMES!  The WAR BEGINS!  The STRUGGLE!  THE BATTLE! 




We are brought to the FULL CAPACITY to RUN to CHRIST in the midst of the struggle between Good and Evil, between Mary and Satan!  Where will you go?  Who will you TRUST!?  I have denied Him three times, Him whom I promised I would lay down my life and die for……the BITTERNESS of GRIEF overwhelms my HEART!

He is CRUCIFIED and DIED on a CROSS for me and for you!  The STRUGGLE, the BATTLE!  I am overwhelmed and my Heart calls out to Him!  TRUST!  TRUST!  TRUST! 


On the SHORE!  “My CHILDREN, have you caught anything?”  Nothing, my Lord!  Bring down the NETS for a CATCH!  153 FISH!


Run to Him!  Embrace HIM!  FOLLOW HIM!

Look at Him, Gaze at Him…..He is HERE!  He is LOOKING at ME! 

Yes, my CHILD, you have denied me three times, but now I come to you and offer you my MERCY! 

“Do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord You know that I love you.” 

“Feed my sheep.”

"Peter, do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord You know that I love you.”

“Feed my sheep.”

“Peter, the ROCK, do you love me more than these?”




My Friend, my LOVE, my CHILD, now that you know what it means to follow me, STRENGTHEN YOUR BRETHREN!



Sunday, July 10, 2016

Rosarium Virginis Mariae

The ROSARY of the VIRGIN MARY, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a PRAYER loved by countless Saints and ENCOURAGED by the Magisterium. Simple yet profound, it still remains, at the dawn of this third millennium, a PRAYER OF GREAT SIGNIFICANCE destined to bring forth a harvest of HOLINESS. It blends easily into the spiritual journey of the Christian life, which, after two thousand years, has lost none of the freshness of its beginnings and feels drawn by the Spirit of God to “SET OUT INTO THE DEEP” (DUC IN ALTUM) in order once more to proclaim, and even cry out, before the world that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, “the WAY, and the TRUTH and the LIFE” (Jn 14:6), “the GOAL of human history and the POINT on which the DESIRES of history and civilization turn”. Supreme Pontiff John Paul II (2002)  Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae.  Libreria Editrice Vaticana


 Christ, Divine Savior, has brought FORTH an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE GRACE to those who in their CONSECRATION to MARY finds their refuge as the source of all GRACE!  Mediatrix of ALL GRACES, the ROSARY allows Man to see in an INFINITE RESOLUTION that it is CHRIST who in HIS REDEMPTION has brought forth the MYSTERY of SALVATION!  How is it that we are to KNOW HIM except through the EYES of MARY!  Mary, His MOTHER, our MOTHER has brought to us a GIFT that is PROCLAIMED and CRIED OUT through the ANGEL GABRIEL, “Hail FULL of GRACE, the Lord is with you.”  Every cry of this Prayer RINGS OUT to the HEAVENS of the GLORY and SPLENDOUR that awaits for those who are in love with Her SON!  Hear in this MYSTERY of SALVATION we find that through the recitation of the ROSARY we continue to CRY OUT to the LIVING GOD of the DEPTHS and GREATNESS that all mankind is DRAWN towards a POINT, a GOAL, and an INFINITE PATH towards GOODNESS, INFINITE GRANDNESS, and GLORY that brings to LIFE the ordinary and the extraordinary freshness of HOLINESS!  Drawn by the SPIRIT of GOD, the very DEPTHS of the HUMAN SPIRIT is brought forth an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE GRACE and a SPIRITUAL HARVEST is transplanted into the Heart of Man in a MYSTICAL UNION of DIVINE LOVE.  An INTIMATE Conversation is reflected in the human soul between the Mother of God, the THEOTOKOS and her Divine Child with the soul embraced and invigorated with the VIRTUE of FAITH!  Every concern, every worry, anxiety, and resoluteness towards the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS is placed within the BOSOM of the MOTHER OF GOD and she reaches towards the child who TRUSTS in her with an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE GRACE to reveal to her the MYSTERIES of the KINGDOM!

O Mother of INFINITE GOODNESS, you have given to us in the Order of Preachers a special GRACE to share with the whole of HUMANITY a TOOL OF DIVINE GRACE!  St. Dominic who has been loved with INFINITE LOVE the Father of ALL PREACHERS has been GRACED with an ABUNDANCE of DIVINE LOVE THROUGH THIS WONDERFUL GIFT TO THE CHURCH!  O ROSARIUM, ROSARIUM VIRGINIS MARIAE, the Hand of Divine Love has been placed at the palm of each soul to be embraced and shared for a DEPTH of CONTEMPLATION of the DIVINE MYSTERIES of the INCARNATE WORD MADE FLESH!

The life and GOODNESS of the ETERNAL WORD has been spoken to us through a STORY; a STORY CONTEMPLATED without BOUND through the Mysteries of the DIVINE ROSARY!  Here in this UNION of DIVINE CHARITY, the Mother of all SOULS unites herself to her child and speaks to her sharing with her the SECRETS of Her DIVINE SON spoken without word a LOVE and a MYSTERY that cuts through the fetters of ordinary goodness towards EXTRAORDINARY AND SUPREME CHARITY OF FIRE!  Every bead of LOVE, PROCLAIMS TO THE DEPTHS OF THE ETERNAL FATHER a PROFOUND and INFINITE ENCOUNTER WITH THE CHARITY OF UNION between the SPOUSE of the HOLY SPIRIT and the TRIUNE GOD!  Interwoven in this DIALOGUE a conversation of the soul who participates in this communion realizes with FULL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE VALUE of every HAIL MARY, for in this UNION the soul is ELEVATED TOWARDS GRACE and the DIGNITY of the ordinariness of LIFE BECOMES EXTRAORDINARY!  For we realize that in the mysteries of the LIFE of CHRIST, the journey towards INFINITE LOVE is therefore attainable and given as PURE GIFT from the Hand of the ETERNAL FATHER through the INCARNATE WORD in the Hands of Mary, Rosarium, Rosarium VIRGINIS MARIAE!

Life in the EUCHARIST

"The Church draws her life from the Eucharist. This truth does not simply express a daily experience of faith, but recapitulates the heart of the mystery of the Church. In a variety of ways she joyfully experiences the constant fulfilment of the promise: “Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28:20), but in the Holy Eucharist, through the changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord, she rejoices in this presence with unique intensity."  Supreme Pontiff John Paul II (2003) Encyclical Letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia.  Libreria Editrice Vaticana


 In the PRESENCE of CHRIST, there is an ineffable DESIRE in the Human Heart to Know Him most intimately through the UNION found in the EUCHARIST!  Adore the Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament with a FAITH beyond bound so that He may know of your LOVE for Him and the Confident TRUST you have in His MERCY!  He allows souls to draw LIFE from HIS very BODY, Blood, Soul and Divinity for further nourishment and STRENGTH in a world that continues to bombard the soul against His very MERCY!  He REVEALS His GOODNESS during the most utter devastation of a soul and in His POWER stoops down to the most degraded part of our own being and CREATES a MANIFESTATION of HIS GOODNESS to her that only FULFILLS with CONSTANCY His FAITHFUL PROMISE, “Lo, I am with you ALWAYS, to the close of the age.”  YES!  FIAT!  He reveals to her of the INFINITE and OMNIPOTENT Power of a HUMBLE GOD who comes to us in our MISERY so that we may KNOW with a FULL REALITY of HIS PRESENCE in a moment when we are ever tempted to doubt His LOVE!  We become overpowered with a FAITH that is GRACED during the Most Darkest of MOMENTS to realize with GREATNESS of the MAGNITUDE of UNION He desires for her to share in with the UNION of the DIVINE and HOLY TRIUNE GOD!  The GLORY of the SAINTS find its very LIFE and ESSENCE in the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of CHRIST!  It is there that we find HIM who has complete FULLNESS in the UNION He desires to share in the soul INEBRIATED by His LOVE; inebriated with the MAGNITUDE of HIS GOODNESS in coming to us in the form of BREAD so that we may consume HIM as food so that we may know of the INTIMATE UNION He DESIRES for every soul who RECEIVES HIM!

 Prepare well, O CHILD, for this UNION He wishes for you and you will know without BOUND of the INFINITE GOODNESS of a GOD who adores with HUMILITY those who too, stoop down from their own self-sufficiency to ONLY FIND their SUFFICIENCY IN GOD ALONE!  Yes, a MOST HIGH GOD wishes to be ONE with His Child!  The CREATOR of the UNIVERSE has been Incarnated into the Flesh of Man through a UNION found in the Mystery of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar!  The HOLY SACRIFICE of the MASS brings to us the PRESENCE of CHRIST HIMSELF so that we may know of the CONTINUED PROMISE of the FATHER, “Lo, I am WITH YOU ALWAYS, to the close of the age.”  Yes!  He is with us!   For those who BELIEVE without BOUND in a GOD who is invisible but ever PRESENT in the FAITH of MAN!  The very CONSOLATION of Man will be ever more brought to REALITY in the desolation of MERCY!  We become a fuller realization and IMAGE of His OWN HUMILITY as we enter deeper into UNION with CHRIST, the SON of the LIVING GOD!  United with Mary, the Mother of the EUCHARIST, we become a tabernacle of CHRIST and ever more know the DIVINE FIAT, “Behold, I am the Handmaiden of the Lord, be it done to me according to Your WORD!”  THE WORD BECAME FLESH!  The ECUMENICAL DESIRE OF THE OMNIPOTENT GOD IS THAT ALL MAY BE ONE as HE IS ONE and therefore know of the DIVINE UNION that brings forth PEACE! 

O Mother of the WORD INCARNATE, I come to you as your child knowing with FULL CONFIDENCE that you are the MOTHER of my GOD and embrace the concerns of my heart and the trials that have enveloped me in this time!  I come to you with a CONFIDENT TRUST in my DIVINE SAVIOR hidden in the HUMILITY of the EUCHARIST knowing that as GOD is PRESENT, His Mother too, is there beside Him!  I KNEEL BEFORE HIS DIVINE MAJESTY HIDDEN yet EVER PRESENT in a Most INTIMATE ENCOUNTER with the TRIUNE GOD!  I have been INEBRIATED with DIVINE LOVE and am embraced with the GRACE that comes forth from a FIRM FAITH in the LIVING GOD ever present in the Holy Eucharist!  How BLESSED we are to be given a TASTE in the HEAVENLY GLORY of the MASS!  THE MASS so consumed for LOVE of ME has been the MYSTERY of UNION that is promised to those WHO BELIEVE with CONFIDENCE in the ETERNITY of CHRIST in the EUCHARIST!  The RISEN and LIVING BREAD of CHRIST is the BREATH and ever MORE LIVING REALITY OF GOODNESS for those who consume Him with CONFIDENT TRUST IN HIS MERCY!  He hears all that is in a HEART who trusts in the Maternal Care of His Mother!  O MOTHER of the INCARNATE WORD hidden in the EUCHARIST, pray for me, embrace me and show me YOU ARE MY MOTHER to those who have recourse in thee.  Amen.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

O Eucharist of Love

Song Composed and Sung by Meryl Bravo

O Eucharist of Love,
Inebriate my SOUL

In the GLORY of CHRIST, our SOULS are ONE with YOU!

Renew within our HEARTS,
Create within my SOUL,

In the GLORY of CHRIST, our SOULS are ONE with YOU!

O Love, O Fire of Love
Enflame our Hearts with Yours
Unite within my SOUL,

O Eucharist of Love,

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Veritatis Splendor

“If Veritatis Splendor is not for Catholics only, neither is it a papal scolding of wayward, willful sinners.  John Paul II is too experienced a pastor to think that the polymorphous perversities of the late twentieth century are very original.  They aren’t, as a brisk reading of Genesis, concentrated on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, will readily attest.  There is something new in the late twentieth century, though---the inability of educated people to make moral sense to one another.”  Witness to Hope by George Weigel


The realities of the present age reveal to all mankind of the consequences and effects of original sin innate in man the moment he is created.  The polymorphous perversities of this century is nothing new as the stories of the Old and New Testament reveal to all who read the history of Christianity.  We face a new challenge in our day in age that reflects the inability of man, even those who are educated in nature, to find morality among the circumstances of a society and culture that has based truth against its very self through the lies that compromise the very dignity of what he is created for.  The inability to reach the transcendence of a humanity beyond the commercialization and materialism of a mentality that seeks refuge in the idolism of a lost identity in the very dignity of Man made in the image and likeness of God.  A mentality that has disfigured the identity of Man as beings that lack the conscientious reality of what is good and what is evil; what is not of God and what is of His Divine and Most Glorious Hand of Redeeming Love.  There is the effort of Man to bring to reality the saving power of a Living God when he encounters in himself a morality that identifies him as an heir of the Kingdom of Eternal Redemption.  A morality that is based on the essential Truth of Man made in the image and likeness of an Omnipotent and Eternal Father lived in the fullness of a life created for what is Eternal through the daily and ordinary tasks of the day.  The divinization of what is common to the sight of man and yet extraordinary; as every detail of his existence is sanctified and redeemed through the merits of the Only Begotten Son, Christ, Redeemer and Savior of All Mankind.  The reality that all of humanity is made in the image and likeness of God is being challenged in a most profound way through the blindness of a western world that is misguided through a law system that compromises the dignity of man and eliminates the very essence of identity founded on the reality that there is good and there is evil.  The reality that distinguishes between what is right and what is wrong.  It has been compromised to the degree that the tranquility of Man found in God has been seized by a culture that inhibits the very nature of Man to reach the heights of the truest essence of Truth so that he may live the fullness of life made in the image and likeness of a God who loves him and created him into being.  The challenge facing our culture today reaches even those who are intellectually educated and fully capacitated to reason and yet unable to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.  The inability to see Truth as it is compromised through a culture that has been blinded from the true reality of himself made in the image and likeness of God.  

Eternal Word of the Father, Only Begotten Son of God, Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, the love You bestow on Man continues to be a source of refuge and strength in a culture and world that has forgotten and compromised the very essence and dignity of Man.  We face a new challenge in this age that is misguided and in need of Your Wisdom to form the very inner conscience of the soul towards a deeper knowledge of the essential truths created to distinguish the morality of what is good and what is evil.  A morality that is clearly defined through a well formed conscience founded in the Magisterium of the Church and the essential truths proclaimed in the Doctrine of the Faith.  Grant us the grace to proclaim these truths in our daily actions and our fidelity to Our Holy Mother Church so that the very Splendor of Truth may reign in every human heart created in the image of Your very likeness, O Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Three Divine Persons, One God.  O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear and answer me.  Amen. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016


The Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, in the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, sought to make “THE TABLE OF THE WORD” offer the TREASURES of SCRIPTURE more fully to the FAITHFUL.(9) Consequently they allowed the biblical readings of the liturgy to be PROCLAIMED in a LANGUAGE understood by ALL. It is CHRIST HIMSELF who SPEAKS when the HOLY SCRIPTURES are READ in the CHURCH.(10) The Council Fathers also urged the celebrant to treat the HOMILY as part of the liturgy, aimed at explaining the WORD OF GOD and DRAWING OUT its MEANING for the CHRISTIAN LIFE.(11) Forty years after the Council, the Year of the Eucharist can serve as an important opportunity for Christian communities to evaluate their progress in this area. It is not enough that the biblical passages are read in the vernacular, if they are not also PROCLAIMED with the care, preparation, devout attention and meditative silence that ENABLE the WORD OF GOD to TOUCH PEOPLE’S MINDS and HEARTS. Supreme Pontiff John Paul II (October 2004- October 2005) Apostolic Letter Mane Nobiscum Domine.  Libreria Editrice Vaticana.


PROCLAIMED with the MANIFESTATION of a GOD who is SO AWESOME IN HIS SPLENDOUR, the PRIEST speaks and SPRINGS FORTH A DRAWING of LIVING WATER from the LIFE of the LIVING GOD through the GOSPEL of CHRIST!  ENABLING the Word of God to penetrate deeply into the HEARTS of MAN in which a NEW HORIZON can ever more be fully brought to its FULFILLMENT a drawing forth of the meaning of SALVATION!  How are the FAITHFUL to ever know CHRIST unless it is SPOKEN from a HEART in LOVE WITH CHRIST!   DETERMINED with a MANIFESTATION OF CHRIST DIVINE LOVE, HE who speaks for CHRIST HIMSELF, SPEAKS for the ETERNAL GLORY of the TRIUNE GOD!   Hungering for the DIVINE, Man seeks His Salvation through the WORD OF GOD in proclamation through a SOUL who has been INEBRIATED by the BLOOD OF CHRIST; the TREASURES of the DIVINE WORD comes to FULL FLOW from a MOUTH PROCLAIMING TRUTH in ALL IT’S ESSENCE!   Here we find a GLORIFICATION that brings forth a NEW SALVATION for those in need of a HOPE that brings to LIFE what has been dead.  Created to KNOW HIM who is LOVE ITSELF, we the FAITHFUL SEEK REFUGE in the ETERNAL WORD made FLESH!  Seeking more to know HIM who is TRUTH, enables the HEART to be FULLY ALIVE by the SPOKEN WORD OF DIVINE LOVE!   Where can we FIND the LOVER OF ALL SOULS, but HERE IN THE WORD, the ETERNAL WORD, brought into flesh through the HEART OF THE LIVING GOD!  Beating with LOVE for CHRIST, she seeks HIM whom her HEART LOVES and HEARS her NAME from the very PERSON OF CHRIST, knowing that it is CHRIST ALONE, SPOKEN from the very mouths of the SACRED PRIESTHOOD that He will bring to FULL COMPLETION the DESIRES OF HER HEART! 

Divine Word made FLESH, the manifestation of your ETERNAL GOODNESS has no bound from a HEART TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY YOURS!  Has the MOTHER OF MY LORD not only come to me in Her GLORIOUS SPLENDOUR, but also gives to me HER DIVINE SON through the LIVING WORD OF GOD!  Spoken with the FIRE OF DIVINE LOVE, my HEART is INEBRIATED with the TRUTHS OF CHRIST HIMSELF and the TREASURES OF INFINITE GOODNESS IS OVERFLOWING WITH HIS DIVINE GRACE!  How GENEROUS HE IS TO COME TO ME, NOT only in WORD but in FLESH!  And to REMAIN here on EARTH through the Most HOLY and DIVINE EUCHARIST!  The MAGNANIMOSITY of the GRANDEUR of CHRIST has been ETERNALLY embedded into my HEART and I am brought to my KNEES in ADORATION of the MOST HOLY AND TRIUNE GOD! 


Mary Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.  Amen.